Monday, January 27, 2020
Importance of Vaccination to the Survival of Humanity
Importance of Vaccination to the Survival of Humanity Bokota, Rachael People in developed countries are able to live without the fear of a plague breakout. They are able to attend festivals, ride the subway, and share food without worrying that they could bring home a deadly pathogen to infect their loved ones. This is possible through the advent of vaccines. Surviving the year was not always so simple. There were times when there would be mass outbreaks of disease regularly. Cities would be breeding grounds for deadly pathogens, and the population would live in fear of having contact with neighbors, as they might be given the deadly blight. Vaccines have changed all of this. Not only do people these days feel protected from diseases, some even feel that in a way, man has conquered nature, allowing for more people to have longer lifespans and a greater quality of life. Vaccines have saved us by allowing pathogens to be bent to our will and serve our immune system, protecting more than just the individual, and making our schools safe by requiring vaccin ations. Vaccinations have changed our lives by using pathogens to aide our immune system rather than harm it. To understand how helpful vaccines are, it is important first to understand how vaccines work. Vaccines function one of four ways: by utilizing live, attenuated microbes, killed microbes, toxoids, or recombinant DNA from microbes (Krasner and Shore 2014). When live, attenuated microbes are used, the microbial strain has been tested multiple times in mice until a non-lethal strain is found and injected into a person. This person will then be able to easily fight off the disease and will have immunity through the antibodies made against the microbes for life. The use of killed microbe vaccines are slightly safer than live, attenuated vaccines, as the virus is dead but still causes antibodies to be produced. The downside to killed-microbe vaccines however, is that they often require a few boosters to be really effective and keep a lasting memory in the hosts immune system (publichealth. org). Toxoid Vaccines are taken from the microbe and then detoxified and injected into a person. This will cause the person to create antibodies against the toxin, effectively making them immune. Furthermore, antitoxins can be produced by injecting a small amount of toxin into a large animal such as a horse, which will produce antibodies against the toxin and then be injected into a person if the need arises (Krasner and Shore 2014). This is used to combat venomous animal bites or stings. Finally, recombinant DNA from a microbe can be taken and added to a nonvirulent virus and then injected into a person, who will then produce antibodies against the code of the microbe. Through these four ways, vaccines actively use microbes to create antibodies in the individual who is given the vaccine, giving them protection against that very microbe. Vaccines protect more than the individual through herd or community immunity. Herd immunity is the idea that when a critical immunization threshold of people vaccinated is met, the spread of diseases will be so reduced that the disease is no longer a threat, and even people who are at risk or who have not received the vaccine will acquire protection (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)). An excellent example of herd immunity at its finest is the way in which developed countries deal with the different strains of the flu each year. Every year, scientists come up with a vaccine which is a combination of the strains which are prevalent that year. Many people will receive these vaccines, and a herd immunity is built up so that less and less people get the flu every year. Furthermore, less and less people die from the flu nowadays that they did in the past, partly due to advances in medicine, but also due to the lack of spread of the disease. Measles has been eradicated in North America due to vaccinations and herd immunity. According to the California Department of Public Health, an outbreak of Measles was confirmed in December of 2014 when 40 people who had been at Disneyland contracted the disease. Whereas in other areas of the world this outbreak would have become a national epidemic, the disease only spread to six other states and the outbreak was found to have ended in April of 2015. The short duration of the outbreak and its relative containment were all due to the strong herd immunity that citizens of the U.S. had built up over decades of Measles vaccinations. For these reasons, vaccines are able to protect not only an individual who has been given the vaccine, but also other members of the community who have not been vaccinated. Vaccines have become important to community health through the controversial requirement by schools for students to be vaccinated. An ongoing debate in the education field has been whether or not schools should require their students to have been vaccinated for various diseases. Proponents of school immunization point out that the more students are vaccinated, the greater the herd immunity that is generated, and thus the safer the students and the community are. Opponents argue that there is always the possibility that a child could have an adverse reaction to the vaccine or perhaps develop Autism as a result. The claim that vaccines cause Autism has been widely refuted through numerous studies conducted around the world, which has led most experts to believe that not immunizing a child based on this risk is a fallacy. As Plotkin, Gerber, and Offit write, However, both epidemiological and biological studies fail to support these claims, (Plotkin, Gerber, and Offit 2009). Since 2009, more studies have been done on the issue, all showing that there is a negligible link between Autism and vaccines. As for other adverse effects which vaccines may cause, one is much more likely to get the disease when unvaccinated than to have an adverse reaction to a vaccine, and the consequences of contracting the disease will be much more severe. For these reasons, school immunization should be required as it makes the students and community much safer. We in the United States are fortunate to live in a vaccinated world. We dont have to live under the shadow of disease as our ancestors did, and as some people in the world still do. Through the use of vaccines we have generated enough herd immunity in schools and communities that our children can grow up safe from the illnesses that used to plague our country and world. Therefore, vaccines have saved us by allowing pathogens to be bent to our will and serve our immune system, protecting more than just the individual, and making our schools safe by requiring vaccinations. Work Cited Community Immunity (Herd Immunity) | (2017, January 18). In Retrieved February 19, 2017. How Vaccines Work (2014, June 4). In Retrieved February 19, 2017. Krasner, R. I., Shors, T. (2014). The Microbial Challenge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning. Measles (n.d.). In California Department of Public Health. Retrieved February 19, 2017. Plotkin, S., Gerber, J. S., Offit, P. A. (2009, February 15). Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 48(4).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Core issues in ethics Essay
Humankind can’t continue their lives without desires. If one wants to be happy, surely, he has to discover his best desires that provide him a happy life. Some of these desires that help to continue our lives can be acceptance in our relationships, a good family life and strong social relations. Trying to satisfy these desires has a great meaning to achieve happiness for me. To start with, however embarrassed I am about this desire of mine, I have an obsession to expect people to accept my thoughts and manners in every situation. Yes, this is not a good characteristic and sometimes makes me an antipathic person but trying to be accepted by someone can give you happiness, too. Besides, if you can manage to make someone love you knowing and accepting all about you, I think that is the absolute happiness. Furthermore, it seems to me that family is the basic source of happiness. Certainly, I can’t always be a good guy and sometimes I make them upset but I can’t stand seeing them upset. Therefore, I try to do whatever necessary to make them happy. Consequently, when I see happy family faces, I feel deeply happy. Thirdly, to have friends is one of the most meaningful aspects of life. I believe that one should have three very warm friends at least. For example, I can’t bear loneliness and if I couldn’t share all my heart with these warm friends, I believe that I could never be happy. As a consequence, if you feel like me, it will be worth improving your close relationships in order to be happy. To recap, humankind has a short life but he is given a lot of desires to be happy. Moreover, if one wants to discover the meaning of his short life, he should look for it in desires. Whether he finds it or not, he will taste happiness just by looking for it.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Brief Psychoanalysis of A Perfect Day for Bananafish Essay
J. D. Salinger’s A Perfect Day for Bananafish depicts the psychological struggles of Seymour Glass, a veteran of the Second World War. Through Freudian psychoanalysis, the different aspects of the effects of his war-damaged psyche on his ability to perform in society become clear. There are several instances during which it becomes obvious that Seymour’s superego does not function in the same manner as that of the adults around him. It is also evident that his id is the most dominant force for his unusual behavior, but not by the pleasure principle. Rather, it is the childlike innocence that is the facet of his id that is the primary motivation for him to act the way he does. Finally, in the ending, Seymour’s ego comes to the conclusion that it is simply impossible for him to fit into the materialistic society that has come to be. Thus, it can be seen that the war and the society that Seymour returns to after the war play equally important roles in leading up to his suicide. Seymour’s dysfunctional superego becomes evident during Muriel’s conversation with her mother. The mentions of his actions regarding â€Å"The trees. That business with the window. Those horrible things he said to Granny about her plans for passing away. What he did with all those lovely pictures from Bermuda. †all point to various actions that indicate that Seymour’s sense of right and wrong-which is associated with the superego-does not recognize the distinction between things that are socially acceptable and things that are not. Furthermore, it is also implied that this damage to his psychological state stems from the war, which may be a sign of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Of course, PTSD was unheard of during this time period, so Seymour remained untreated for it. This defective superego is then unable to contest the id properly. As a result, Seymour’s id is given partial freedom and so he acts childishly, making things up and pointing things out that are considered foolish. One such example is when he asks Sybil whether â€Å"Whirly Wood, Connecticut is anywhere near Whirly Wood, Connecticut. †In fact, the entirety of his interaction with Sybil is an example of the uncontrolled id. Along with his invented bananafish, this serves to illustrate that his innocence is the primary reason for how he acts. However, this leads to an irreconcilable difference between Seymour and the rest of society, as the rest of society is primarily dictated by their superego. This is best portrayed by the events mentioned in passing during Muriel’s conversation with her mother, and the thing he tells the woman in the elevator: â€Å"I see you’re looking at my feet. Whether or not the woman was actually looking at his feet at all is obviously unimportant; the brief exchange between Seymour and the unnamed woman serves to depict the rift between Seymour and the rest of the world. This rift eventually leads Seymour’s ego, which is tasked with the interaction with external stimuli, to the conclusion that he can no longer coexist with the rest of society. As a result, the only course of action that he can see is that of suicide. Thus, both WWII and the materialism of the society left in WWII’s wake are equally responsible for Seymour’s death. Had the war not damaged Seymour’s psyche to the point where his superego could no longer oppose his id, the whole series of events would not have taken place to begin with. Had society not been converted to follow the ideals of materialism, Seymour would not have found that he was unable to fit into society. But because both did what they did, Seymour’s death became an inherent result of the combination of events that culminated here.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Training Manual on Communication, Conflict Resolution and...
Training Manual on Communication, Conflict Resolution and Ethics Introduction This training manual will help as a guide to all department managers to help their team with creating effective communications lines between colleagues and our membership. This training guide will also assist us in learning what to do when we have conflicts between coworkers and members. Moreover, this guide will discuss ethical and legal issues that affect our healthcare industry. Effective communication is defined as when it â€Å"enables you to communicate, even the most negative or difficult messages without creating conflict.†When a person is an effective communicator you are able to communicate and relay your message without being misinterpreted. Effective†¦show more content†¦Effective Communication Research shows that the best leaders are those who have learned to give clear instructions, stay responsive to questions and suggestions, and keep the appropriate parties well informed (Maddux Wingfield, 2003). One of the most important parts of being an effective communicator is listening. Successful listening means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding how the speaker feels about what they are communicating (, n.d.). When We Listen: †¢ â€Å"Make the speaker feel heard and understood which can help build a stronger, deeper connection.††¢ â€Å"Create an environment where everyone feels safe to express ideas, opinions, and feelings, or plan and problem solve in creative ways††¢ â€Å"Save time by helping clarify information, avoid conflicts and misunderstanding††¢ â€Å"Relieve negative emotions. When emotions are running high, if the speaker feels that he or she has been truly heard, it can help to calm them down, relieve negative feelings, and allow for real understanding or problem solving to begin†Tips on improving your listening skills: †¢ â€Å"Focus fully on the speaker††¢ â€Å"Avoid interrupting††¢ â€Å"Avoid seeming judgmental††¢ â€Å"Show your interest†When we are listening to our coworkers and members, we have to make sure that we keep the conversation focused on them, avoid doing other task such as checking emails, reading newspapers. If you find it hard toShow MoreRelatedThe Theories And Interventions That Can Be Applied For The Srs s Cps Program1393 Words  | 6 Pagesthere are many theories and interventions that can be applied to the SRS’s CPS program including: contingency, conflict resolution, organizational, systems, and empowerment theories. These theories do not operate alone, instead they are combined with one another. 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